Document Scanning
Benefits of Document Scanning
- Documents are preserved - paper deteriorates while DVD's are rated to preserve data for 100 years. USB drives will last even longer!
- Paper takes up space and space costs money - up to 50,000 images (equivalent of a three 4-drawer filing cabinet) can fit on a single DVD and hundreds of thousands of images on a USB drive.
- Costs are reduced - fewer general and administrative accounts with less time spent on retrieving records.
- Information is found faster - instant retrieval of documents by word, phrase, or keyword when images are OCR'ed into Word or Acrobat pdfs - instant retrieval of documents by word, phrase, or keyword and editing capability.
- Easy transmission - have the ability to transmit documents to others via email or cloud at the press of a key.
- Portability - carry necessary documents with you on a laptop or phone.
- More than one person can view a document at a time
- Internet Access - data can be copied to a server where access by others might be required.
- Security - the methods used have passed the stringent requirements for agencies like the CIA, the FBI, and the military.
- Disaster Recovery (Redundancy) – increased ability to recover from disaster by storing data in more than one physical location.
Benefits of Outsourcing
- No capital investment (software or hardware)
- No staffing and labor costs
- No hardware repairs/maintenance
- Faster turnaround
- No hardware repairs/maintenance
- Trained specialists
Interesting National Statistics on Document Management
- There are over 10 trillion paper documents in the U.S. alone - growing at a rate of 22% per year.
- The average business document is copied 19 times at a cost of $.05 per page.
- Over 81 million sheets of paper are copied each month.
- Professionals spend 5 to 15 percent of their time reading information, but up to 50% looking for it.
- 90% of all corporate information lies in unmanaged chaotic filing structures.
- 5% of all documents get lost, 3% of the remainder get misfiled.
- Next to payroll, documentation and record maintenance is the largest expense within most companies.
- Average office spends $20 in labor, filing or retrieving a document and $250 recreating a lost document.
- Average search time for a document is 18 minutes.
- Typical 4-drawer file cabinet occupies 9 square feet.
- Average cost of a 4-drawer file cabinet is approximately $200.
Cost of document scanning is highly dependent on types of documents and volume. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your specific requirements or to request a quote. On-site scanning is also available for highly classified scanning jobs.
Please call or email before dropping off documents to arrange a time - Click Here to contact us and get directions to our office.