Slide and Negative Scanning
- Your slides contain your life's most fondest memories but the film medium that holds them disintegrates quickly over time. Converting them to electronic images preserves them forever and gives you the ability to easily show and send them to others. Knowing this, we take utmost care of your slides when entrusted to us.
You may bring your slides to us in carousels, sheet protectors, or bound in batches with rubber bands. We have no extra charges for how you submit them to us as other companies do.
We dust the slides prior to scanning and return them to you the way we receive them.
We scan at 4000 dpi, the highest in the industry, on the best quality Nikon scanners - many charge extra for this resolution. This allows you to print even large photos from the images with good resolution.
We do Color / Brightness / Contrast correction of your images at no extra charge
We create USB Drives or DVDs with your .jpg or .tif images so that you may copy them to your computer. There is a $10 fee for 16GB USB drives and a $15 fee for each DVD created. (A 16GB USB Drive holds approximately 1500 slide .jpg images and a DVD holds approximately 500 slide .jpg images.)
We can create slide show DVDs that can be played on your DVD player complete with titles and music of your choice for a reasonable fee.
We are a Seattle company and do all the work locally so your valuable slides can never be lost in the mail.
We have some of the lowest prices in industry: .43/slide for over 1000 slides, .50/slide for 500 - 1000 slides, and .56/slide for under 500 slides.
- Please call or email before dropping off slides to arrange a time and get directions to our offices.
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